List Of Journals Available in the Department
S.No. |
Name of the Journal |
1 |
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Materials |
2 |
International Journal of Building Construction & Architecture Planning |
3 |
International Journal of Civil Mechanical Engineering |
4 |
Indian Journal of Civil Mechanical Engineering |
5 |
Indian Concrete Journal |
6 |
Civil Engineering & Construction Review |
7 |
GIS Development |
8 |
Journal on Civil Engineering |
List of E-Journals Avaliable in the Department:
S.No. |
ISSN No. |
Name of the Journal |
1 |
1474-0346 |
Advanced Engineering Informatics |
2 |
0306-2619 |
Applied Energy |
3 |
0926-5805 |
Automation in Construction |
4 |
0360-1323 |
Building and Environment |
5 |
0263-8223 |
Composite Structures |
6 |
0266-352X |
Computers and Geotechnics |
7 |
0950-0618 |
Construction and Building Materials |
8 |
0142-694X |
Design Studies |
9 |
0143-7208 |
Dyes and Pigments |
10 |
0378-7788 |
Energy and Buildings |
11 |
0141-0296 |
Engineering Structures |
12 |
0379-7112 |
Fire Safety Journal |
13 |
0920-3796 |
Fusion Engineering and Design |
14 |
1874-5482 |
International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection |
15 |
0020-7683 |
International Journal of Solids and Structures |
16 |
0143-974X |
Journal of Constructional Steel Research |
17 |
0022-460X |
Journal of Sound and Vibration |
18 |
0167-6105 |
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics |
19 |
0951-8339 |
Marine Structures |
20 |
1674-5264 |
Mining Science and Technology (China) |
21 |
0029-5493 |
Nuclear Engineering and Design |
22 |
0960-1481 |
Renewable Energy |
23 |
0167-1987 |
Soil & Tillage Research |
24 |
0267-7261 |
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering |
25 |
0167-4730 |
Structural Safety |
26 |
0263-8231 |
Thin-Walled Structures |
27 |
0965-8564 |
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice |
28 |
0886-7798 |
Tunneling and Underground Space Technology Incorporating Trenchless Technology |