Graduate with a pathway into select SREC degrees
Top 1% of Colleges State wide*
Be supported by dedicated teaching staff
Key facts
4 years full-time or part-time equivalent.
Current CSE Students
To access your official course details for the year you started your degree, please visit the handbook.
Course information
Autonomous college can be a challenge, which is why we’ve designed a course that offers you a supported learning environment and a guaranteed pathway into SREC Computer Science & Engineering. The course teaches you the learning skills you need to be successful in your life, including communication, digital literacy, critical thinking and teamwork skills.
Course Structure:
SR Engineering College (SREC) - (Autonomous), Warangal affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH) offers 4 Year (8 Semesters) Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) Degree in Computer Science & Engineering Programme, under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS), with effect from the Academic Year 2015 - 16 onwards.
Course Registration :
Course Registration :
A ‘Faculty Advisor or Counselor’ shall be assigned to a group of students, who will advise about the UG Programme, its course structure and curriculum, choice / option for subjects / courses, based on their competence, progress, pre-requisites and interest.
Academic section of the college invites ‘registration forms’ from students before the beginning of the semester through ‘on-line registration’. The on-line registration requests for any ‘current semester’ shall be completed before the commencement of semester end examinations of the ‘preceding semester’.
A student can apply for on-line registration, only after obtaing the ‘written approval’ from faculty advisor / counsellor, which should be submitted to the college academic section through the Head of the department. A copy of it shall be retained with Head of the department, faculty advisor/counsellor and the student.
A student may be permitted to register for his subjects / courses of choice with a total of 24 credits per semester (minimum being 20 credits and maximum being 28 credits per semester, permitted deviation being ± 17 %), based on progress, Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) / Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) and completion of the pre-requisites as indicated for various subjects / courses. However, a minimum of 20 credits per semester must be registered to ensure the ‘studentship’ in any semester.
Choice for ‘additional subjects / courses’ to reach the maximum permissible limit of 28 credits (above the typical 24 credit norm) must be clearly indicated, which needs the specific approval and signature of the faculty advisor / counselor.
If the student submits ambiguous choices or multiple options or erroneous entries-during on-line registration for the subject(s) / course(s) under a given / specified course group / category as listed in the course structure, only the first mentioned subject / course in that category will be taken into consideration.
Subject / Course options exercised through ON-LINE registration are final and can not be changed, and CAN NOT be inter-changed; further, alternate choices will also not be considered. However, if the subject/ course that has already been listed for registration by the Head of Department in a semester could not be offered due to any unforeseen or unexpected reasons, then the student shall be allowed to have alternate choice - either for a new subject (subject to offering of such a subject), or for another existing subject (subject to availability of seats). Such alternate arrangements will be made by the Head of department, with due notification and timeframed schedule, within the first week from the commencement of class-work for that semester.
Dropping of subjects / courses may be permitted, ONLY AFTER obtaining prior approval from the faculty advisor (subject to retaining a minimum of 20 credits), within a period of 15 days from the beginning of the current semester.
Open Electives: The students have to choose one open elective (OE-1) in III year I semester, one open elective (OE-2) in III year II semester, and one open elective (OE-3) in IV year II semester, from the list of open electives given. However, the student cannot opt for an open elective subject offered by their own (parent) department, if it is already listed under any category of the subjects offered by parent department in any semester.
Professional Electives: The students have to choose professional elective (PE-1) in III year II semester, professional electives (PE-2, PE-3 and PE-4) in IV year I semester, professional electives (PE-5 and PE-6) in IV year II semester, from the list of professional electives given. However, the students may opt for professional elective subjects offered in the related area.
Based on the industry / societal demand, additional relevant course(s) may be added under professional elective(s) and / or open elective(s).
Subjects / Courses to be Offered :
A typical section (or class) strength for each semester shall be 60.
A subject / course may be offered to the students, only if a minimum of 30 students (1/2 of the section strength) opt for it. The maximum strength of a section is limited to 90 (60 + 1/2 of the section strength).
More than one faculty member may offer the SAME SUBJECT (Lab. / Practical’s may be included with the corresponding theory subject / course in the same semester) in any semester. However, selection choice for students will be based on - ‘first come first serve basis and CGPA criterion’ (i.e., the first focus shall be on early on-line entry from the student for registration in that semester, and the second focus, if needed, will be on CGPA of the student).
If more entries for registration of a subject come into picture, then the Head of Department concerned shall decide whether to offer such a subject / course for TWO (or multiple) sections or not.
Eligibility for Admission :
Admission to the UGP shall be made either on the basis of the merit rank obtained by the qualifying candidate at an Entrance Test conducted by the Telangana State Government (EAMCET), OR the University, OR on the basis of any other order of merit approved by the University, subject to reservations as prescribed by the Government from time to time.
The medium of instructions for the entire UGP in E&T will be English only.
Entry requirements
Admission to the UGP shall be made either on the basis of the merit rank obtained by the qualifying candidate at an Entrance Test conducted by the Telangana State Government (EAMCET), OR the University, OR on the basis of any other order of merit approved by the University, subject to reservations as prescribed by the Government from time to time. The medium of instructions for the entire UGP in E&T will be English only.
(UGP in E&T)
Under-Graduate Degree Programme in Engineering & Technology (UGP in E&T) :
SR Engineering College (SREC) - (Autonomous), Warangal affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru
Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH) offers 4 Year (8 Semesters) Bachelor of
Technology (B.Tech.) Degree Programme, under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS), with
effect from the Academic Year 2015 - 16 onwards, in the following Branches of Engineering:
Branch Code | Branch |
1 | Civil Engineering (CE) |
2 | Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) |
3 | Mechanical Engineering (ME) |
4 | Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) |
5 | Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) |
B.Tech. Programme (UGP) Structure
The B.Tech. Programme of SREC are of Semester Pattern, with 8 Semesters constituting 4 Academic Years, each Academic Year having TWO Semesters (First/Odd and Second/Even Semesters). Each semester shall be of 22 weeks duration (inclusive of examinations), with a minimum of 90 instructional days per semester.
- A student, after securing admission, shall persue the UGP in B.Tech. in a minimum period of 4 academic years (8 semesters), and a maximum period of 8 academic years (16 semesters) starting from the date of commencement of first year first semester; failing which, student shall forfeit seat in B.Tech. programme.
- Each student shall register for and secure the specified number of credits (with CGPA≥5) required for the completion of the UGP and award of the B.Tech. degree in respective branch of engineering.
- Each semester is structured to provide 24 credits, totalling to 192 credits for the entire B.Tech. programme.
specified definitions / descriptions are adopted appropriately for various terms and abbreviations used in these Academic Regulations / Norms, which are as listed below.
Semester Scheme :
Each UGP is of 4 academic years (8 semesters), with the year being divided into two semesters of 22 weeks ( ≥ 90 working days) each, each semester having - ‘Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE)’ and ‘Semester End Examination (SEE)’. Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Credit Based Semester System (CBSS) as denoted by UGC, and Curriculum / Course structure as suggested by AICTE are followed.
All subjects / courses are to be registered by a student in a semester to earn credits. Credits which shall be assigned to each subject / course in a L: T: P/D: C (Lecture Periods: Tutorial Periods: Practical / Drawing Periods: Credits) structure, based on the following general pattern.
- One Credit - for one hour / week / semester for Theory or Lecture (L) subject.
- One Credit - for two hours / week / semester for Laboratory or Practical (P) ; Drawing (D) subjects and Tutorial (T).
Subjects / Courses like Gender Sensitization, Business Communication and Public Speaking are considered as Mandatory Courses. Student activities like Sports / NSS / Yoga / Dance / Music / Arts / Sketching etc., are identified as Audit Courses. Student has to choose any two different Audit Courses from the specified list and he has to complete one in the First year First Semester and the other in the First year Second Semester. These Mandatory and Audit Courses will not carry any credits.
All subjects / courses offered for the UGP in E&T (B.Tech Degree Programme) broadly classified as follows;
S. No | Broad Course Classification | Course Group / Category | Course Description | Range of Credits |
1 | Foundation Courses (FnC) | HS – Humanities and Social Sciences | Includes - subjects related to Humanities, Social Sciences and Management | 5-10% |
2 | BS – Basic Sciences | Includes - Mathematics , Physics, Chemistry and Environmental Studies | 15-20 % | |
3 | ES – Engineering Sciences | Includes - fundamental Engineering subjects | 15-20 % | |
4 | Core Courses (CoC) | Professional Core | Includes - Core subjects related to the parent discipline / Department / Branch of Engineering | 30-40% |
5 | Project Work | Media Project; Certification Course / Mini Project / App Development; Major Project / Practice School | 10-15 % | |
6 | Seminar | Technical Seminar | 10-15 % | |
7 | Elective Courses (ElC) | Professional Electives | Includes - Elective subjects related to the parent discipline / Department / Branch of Engineering | 10-15% |
8 | OE – Open Electives | Elective subjects which include interdisciplinary subject or subjects in an area outside the parent discipline / Department / Branch of Engineering | 5-10 % | |
9 | Non-Credit Courses | AC-Audit Courses | Includes - Sports / NSS / Yoga / Dance / Music / Arts / Sketching etc. | - |
10 | MC-Mandatory Courses | Includes - Gender Sensitisation, Business Communication & Public Speaking | - | |
Total Credits of B.Tech. Programme | 192 (100%) |
Why choose SREC
want a degree that’s more than just a qualification? Our industry connections, world-class facilities and practical approach to learning are just some of the reasons why SREC students graduate confident and ready to thrive in the jobs of tomorrow.

SR Engineering College
AnanthaSagar (V), Hasanparthy (M),
Warangal, Telangana - 506371

+ 91 987654321
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