Divya Byri
Designation : Assistant Professor
Department : Computer Science And Engineering
SR Engineering College, Warangal - 506004, Telangana, INDIA
Email id : divya_b@srecwarangal.ac.in
Area of Interests: Big Data Analytics, Software Testing.
Courses Taught Previously (2017-2019):
S.No. | Course ID | Course Name |
1 | CS126 | Grid and Cloud Computing |
2 | CS138 | Big Data and Analytics |
Courses Currently Being Taught (2019-2020)
S.No. | Classes | Dept. | Semester | Course ID | Course Name |
1 | III BTech | CSE | I | CS138 | Big Data and Analytics |
Journal Publication Details:
S.No. | Authors | Title | Journal Name | Vol.,Page No.,Year |
1 | Divya Byri, Kafila, Srinivas Aluvala | Holistic Model That Affect the Success or Failure of the Implementation of Big Data | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) | Vol 8, Issue 2, page(s): 2263-2266, July 2019 |
2 | Sandeep Chintham Divya Byri | Data Aggregation Frame Work on Wireless Sensor Networks | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) | Volume-8 Issue-6,page(s): 97-102, August 2019 |
Workshop/SSTPs/Conference Organized:
Title | Date |
Two Week Faculty Development Program on Blockchain Technologies | 17th to 28th June, 2019 |
Additional Administrative Responsibilities :