The I year B.Tech Orientation Programme and Parents meet was conducted from 18th July 2018 to 28th July 2018. As per the guidelines of the AICTE, an Induction programme is planned for duration of three weeks spread in the first and second semesters. The Inaugural session was organised on 18th July and invited talks by eminent persons from academia and industry were scheduled for the next ten days.

The programme commenced with the lighting of lamp followed by a prayer song. The Coordinator for the Orientation Programme and Dean (Academics), Dr. R. Archana Reddy welcomed the dignitaries, parents and the students. In her address, she briefed about the Innovative Curriculum offered for the Next Gen Engineers. She also gave a brief report about the placement training and job opportunities in their respective disciplines.

Prof. Syed Musthak Ahmed, Dean (Student Affairs) in his address briefed the students about the rules and regulations of the institute and requested the students and parents to understand and abide by the institutional rules and norms. He also briefed about the various student clubs and their activities.
The Principal, Dr. V. Mahesh gave a brief orientation about the Vision and Mission of S R Engineering College. He expressed his gratitude to the parents and students for having faith and confidence in the institution. In addition to the inputs given by Dean (Academics), he briefed about the Professional Tracks offered as professional Electives, which will help the students excel in the area of their interest.
Dr. C. V. Guru Rao, Professor of CSE, in his address stressed the importance of hard work and dedication to one’s profession. He explained the students how to set their career goals and advised them to be focused on academics. He also assured the parents and students that SREC is a ragging free campus and that their wards are in safe hands.
The Chairman, Sri. A. Varadha Reddy said, the major objective of the orientation programme was to make the parents and students aware of the academic aspects of the course, the rules and regulations of the institute and ensuring parental participation in monitoring the performance and progress of the students. He added that there is an effective mentoring system followed in the college, which has shown a considerable increase in the results as well as attendance of the students. He also addressed the queries of the freshers and parents.
The other dignitaries who graced the occasion were the Heads of various departments and faculty.
The inaugural session ended with Vote of Thanks Dr. S. Shailaja, Asst. Prof., Dept. of H&Sc
A three week long induction is planned for the students of which 10 days are scheduled in the first semester. Invited talks by eminent persons from academia and industry and innovative events were planned for the students during these days to prepare them get acquainted with the culture on campus.
The first session was addressed by HODs of respective departments. The HODs briefed the Vision and Mission of the department and also addressed the POs, PEOs and also explained the curriculum. One day workshops were organised by the Centre for Design and NEST for Entrepreneurship in Science and Technology. The remaining sessions were addressed by Motivational Speakers, Psychologists, Academicians and Industry persons.
Innovation Challenge
Human Values by Shyam B. Kolati
Interaction with Senior Students
Creative Art Session
Creative Art Session
The I year B.Tech Orientation Programme and Parents meet was conducted from 26thth July 2017 to 28th July 2017. The Inaugural session was organised on 26th July and invited talks by eminent persons from academia and industry were scheduled for the next two days.

The programme commenced with the lighting of lamp followed by a prayer song. The Coordinator for the Orientation Programme and Dean (Students Welfare), Dr. R. Archana Reddy welcomed the dignitaries, parents and the students. In her address she briefed the students about the rules and regulations of the institute and requested the students and parents to understand and abide by the institutional rules and norms. The Dean Students Welfare also gave a brief report about the placement training and job opportunities in their respective disciplines.
The Principal, Dr. V. Mahesh gave a brief orientation about the Vision and Mission of S R Engineering College. He informed them about the innovative curriculum offered at SREC and briefed them about the design component included in the curriculum and its impact that is resulting in innovations and product development.
Dr. C. V. Guru Rao, Professor of CSE, in his address stressed the importance of dedication to one’s profession and the need to have proper planning before taking up and implementing any project. He also assured the parents and students that SREC is a ragging free campus and that their wards are in safe hands.
The Chief Guest of the Orientation Programme Mr. Hari Kara, Head of the department, Product Design, MIT Institute of Design, Pune addressed the newly joined students and their parents. In his address, he stressed on the importance of the design component in engineering. He appreciated the curriculum and the Product Design Studio of SREC which gives a platform to students to hone their design skills. He also put light on the career options for engineers with design skills.
The Chairman, Sri. A. Varadha Reddy said, the major objective of the orientation programme was to make the parents and students aware of the academic aspects of the course, the rules and regulations of the Institute and ensuring parental participation in monitoring the performance and progress of the students. He also addressed the queries of the freshers and parents.
The other dignitaries who graced the occasion were the Heads of various departments and faculty.
The inaugural session ended with Vote of Thanks.
Invited talks by eminent persons from academia and industry were organised for the next three days (27th & 28th July 2017). The first session was addressed by HODs of respective departments. The HODs briefed the Vision and Mission of the department and also addressed the POs, PEOs and also explained the curriculum. The remaining sessions were addressed by Motivational Speakers, Psychologists, Academicians and Industry persons.
Talk by Dr. Yerra Sridhar Raju
Motivational talk by Benson
Student Participating in an Activity
The I year B.Tech Orientation Programme and Parents meet was conducted from 4th August 2016 to 6th August 2016. The Inaugural session was organised on Thursday, 4th August 2016 and was attended by the first year B.Tech students and their parents. Invited talks by eminent personalities from Academia & Industry were organised for the next two days.

The programme commenced with the lighting of lamp followed by a prayer song. The Coordinator for the Orientation Programme and Dean (Students Welfare), Dr. R. Archana Reddy welcomed the dignitaries, parents and the students. In her address she briefed the students about the rules and regulations of the institute and requested the students and parents to understand and abide by the institutional rules and norms. The Dean Students Welfare also gave a brief report about the placement training and job opportunities in their respective disciplines.<./p>
The Principal, Dr. V. Mahesh gave a brief orientation about the Vision and Mission of S R Engineering College. He informed them about the innovative curriculum offered at SREC and its impact that is resulting in innovations and product development. He also reiterated the Management’s commitment to elevate the Institute to the status of one of the top 20 private engineering institutes in the country by 2020 and he sought the cooperation and support of the parents for same.
The Chief Guest of the Orientation Programme Mr. Suresh Narra, Senior Project Manager, Infosys addressed the newly joined students and their parents. In his address, he shared the various career options and the competition in the outside world. He said that hard work with the right attitude will take help the students scale new heights.
The Chairman, Sri. A. Varadha Reddy said, the major objective of the orientation programme was to make the parents and students aware of the academic aspects of the course, the rules and regulations of the Institute and ensuring parental participation in monitoring the performance and progress of the students. He assured the students and parents that SREC is a ragging free campus. He also addressed the queries of the freshers and parents.
The other dignitaries who graced the occasion were the Heads of various departments and faculty.
Invited talks by eminent persons from academia and industry were organised for the next three days (5th & 6th August 2016). The first session was addressed by HODs of respective departments. The HODs briefed the Vision and Mission of the department and also addressed the POs, PEOs and also explained the curriculum. The remaining sessions were addressed by Motivational Speakers, Psychologists, Academicians and Industry persons.
Talk by Benson Cheripelli
Talk by Dr. Sridhar Raju Yerra
Talk by Prof. Syhulu, NITW
Talk by M.L. Saikumar
The Orientation Programme for the first year B.Tech students is a four day program starting with the Inaugural session involving the parents and students. The next three days are conducted for the students by conducting invited talks by eminent personalities from Academics, Industry etc.

The Inaugural of the Orientation Program for the first year students was held on Wednesday, 5th August 2015 and saw various dignitaries welcoming the freshers. The orientation programme was attended by the new entrants and their parents.
The Chief Guest of the orientation program was the Prof. D. N. Reddy, Chairman, Recruitment & Assessment Centre, DRDO, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi; Chairman, Apellate Committee, National Board of Accreditation, MHRD Government of India, New Delhi. The Guest of Honour was Dr. Vishwanath Kokkonda, Managing Partner, Global Strategy and Operations – Lead, Yagnaum Consulting India. The other dignitaries that graced the occasion were the Chairman, Sri. A. Varadha Reddy; Director of SREC, Dr. P. Venkateshwarlu; Principal of SREC, Dr. C. V. Guru Rao; Dean (R&D), Dr.V.Mahesh; Assoc. Dean, Dr.R.Archana Reddy and Heads of various departments.
Dr. R. Archana Reddy, Coordinator & Assoc Dean welcomed the dignitaries, parents and the new entrants. In her address, she briefed the purpose of the orientation programme and the schedule for the next 2 days. She also informed the students and parents about the institutional rules and norms.
Dr. C. V. Guru Rao, Principal of SREC briefed about the vision and mission of the institute. In his address, he briefed the innovative curriculum offered at SREC and its impact that is resulting in innovations and product development. He also briefed about the various trainings offered at SREC which are resulting in a continuous rise in placements.
Dr. P. Venkateshwarlu, Director of SREC how to set their career goals. He laid stress on effective communication between the teachers and parents and also sought their support and suggestions so that the best could be done for the overall development of the students.
Dr.V.Mahesh, Dean (R&D), briefed about the sponsored research projects and how students are benefitting by being a part of these projects. He also ensured the students and parents that SREC is a ragging free campus.
Dr. Vishwanath Kokkonda, the Guest of Honour talked about the career options and how one has to plan their four year of study to get better placements. He also gave them inputs on higher education.
Prof. D. N. Reddy, Chief Guest of the day appreciated the innovative curriculum followed by SREC and how it will benefit the student community. He also briefed about required training programs planned to develop competencies to approach the job market.
Sri. A. Varadha Reddy, Chairman of S R Educational Academy spoke about the vision of SREC and how the management and Staff together are working towards it. In his address, he motivated the students and informed them how hard work and discipline can bring them success in life. At the end of the session the Chairman addressed the queries of the freshers and parents.
The programme was graced by the Heads of various departments and faculty.
The session ended with Vote of Thanks.
Invited talks by eminent persons from academia and industry were organised for the next three days (6th August 2015 to 8th August 2015). The first session was addressed by HODs of respective departments. The HODs briefed the Vision and Mission of the department and also addressed the POs, PEOs and also explained the curriculum. The remaining sessions were addressed by Motivational Speakers, Psychologists, Academicians and Industry persons.
Talk by Shanti Swaroop
A Talk by Dr. Yerra Sridhar Raju
Motivational Talk by Benson Cheripelli

Motivational Talk by Benson Cheripelli