1. Language Laboratory :
The language laboratory plays an important role in the language learning process. The four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking are practiced in the lab. The language laboratory enriches the speaking skills of the students. It provides students with the cyber tools to get best samples of pronunciation of the language. The laboratory’s collection is designed to assist learners in the acquisition and maintenance of aural comprehension, oral and written, proficiency and cultural awareness. The speaking dictionaries provide the aspirants to learn vocabulary along with pronunciation. The activities like presentation, debate, group discussion, etc. bring out the inherent talents of the students. The lab contributes its efforts in creating the future ready engineers to face all sorts of situations.

2. Engineering Physics Laboratory
Engineering physics laboratory is well equipped with all sophisticated, modern & advanced instruments for conducting lab experiments in various important areas of physics like optics, mechanics, electronics, electricity and magnetism. All the experiments have been planned in cycles so that the student can perform experiments independently. Engineering Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines whose applications form the basis of many technological advancements known to us. The laboratory of Engineering Physics brings the student into contact with activity in several technical subjects like Optics, mechanics, circuit analysis, electronic devices and circuits, electromagnetic fields etc.,
which train the students to develop experimental skills for the determination of various characteristic quantities and parameters (Engineering parameters) with the understanding of basic concepts of physics like interference, diffraction, refractive index, frequency, semiconductor physics, total internal reflection, laser and electrical circuit of physics. This laboratory is fully equipped with all sophisticated & advanced instruments like optical fibers, spectrometers, travelling microscopes, diode Lasers to study the traditional optical properties and modern optical applications as well as various mechanical equipments to determine the application oriented mechanical parameters apart from the electromagnetic and electronic devices for the measurement of electronic and electromagnetic factors and constants by application based analysis.

3. Engineering Chemistry Laboratory
Practical Engineering chemistry plays a vital role in the field of engineering. Laboratory is aptly designed to impart education through a chemical sense in a neatly designed, spacious and well ventilated manner. It has a capacity to accommodate 45 students.
Practical awareness is inculcated among the students both instrumentally & qualitatively during the lab sessions that enhance understanding and problem solving abilities.
Laboratory is aesthetically designed with polished granite platform provided with adequate water facility, separate chemical store and issuing rooms. Major equipments are Conductivity Meter, Potentiometer, Colorimeter, Electronic Balance and Glassware