The main intention of this community service center is to Personality Development of students through community service.In this community service club, students Understand the community in which they work and themselves in relation to their community.

Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem solving process;

Develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility;

Utilize their knowledge in finding practical solution to individual and community problems;

Develop competence required for group-living and sharing of responsibilities;

Gain skills in mobilizing community participation;

Acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude;

Develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disaster and Practise national integration and social harmony

Community Service Club, SR ENGINEERING COLLEGE in coordination with LIONS CLUB, Hanamkonda and RED CROSS SOCIETY organized BLOOD DONATION CAMP on 19th December -2017 at Drawing Hall (Block-I). Sri A. Varadha Reddy Garu,Chairman SR Educational society& Chief guest of this program inaugurated the camp.

SREC Director C.V Guru Rao Garu, Principal Dr. V. Mahesh , Deans and HOD’s of various departments give their valuable suggestions and grace the occasion. This program conducted under the supervision of Dean students welfare Dr. A. Archana reddy garu.

Faculty Incharges:

Name of the FacultyRole
Dr. Archana Redyy, Dean students welfareOrganizing Secretary
Dr. J. RavichanderCoordinator

Schedule for Blood camp is given below:

10:00 AMInauguration
10:20-11:30 AMCSE
11:30-12:40 PMCivil& MBA
1:00-2:20 PMECE
2:20-4:00PMEEE & Mechanical

In this program 120 participants registered, 85 members donated the blood and Certificates will be issued to the donors

Community Service Center conducted elocution competition on “kill cancer’ to all the students of SREC on 14.02.2018. The best speakers will be awarded with prizes. The first prize will be a Rs 2,000/-, second prize will be a Rs 1, 000/-, third prize will be a Rs 500/-

The winners of the completions are

Prize WinnersName of the Student
Ist prizeNiharika
IInd prizeNikitha
IIIrd prizeJaya Bhargav & Md.Abbas

Faculty Incharge(s):

1Dr.J. Ravichander8522953824
2Mr. A. Umender9885554606

Student Members of the club:

1KodumuriI Ravali 
4Srinidhi Deshpande 