The Industry-Institute Partnership Cell (IIPC) of the college is a dedicated cell Working towards, to promote the close interaction with Industry and various departments of the institute , to train and develop the right kind of technical manpower necessary to sustain and promote industrial and economic growth.
Forge industry and professional body alliances to accomplish technology transfer and meet societal needs.
To develop linkages with world class R&D organizations and educational institutions in India and abroad for excellence in teaching, research and consultancy practices.
To arrange industry visits and industrial trainings for the faculty and students.
Organizing workshops, conferences and symposia with joint participation of the academicians and the industries.
Inviting industry experts to contribute in curriculum development in line with current industry requirements.
To provide technical and non-technical consultancy services and training to industries particularly small scale & rural industries.
Deputing faculty to industry for study and discussions or delivering lectures on subjects of mutual interest.
To develop the Innovative Products.
Setting up of technology parks in collaboration with alumni and industry for cost effective opportunity for R&D leading to marketable products.
Organizing the Industry Institute Interaction meets & Trade fairs .
Sending the students for Internships.
Making the arrangements to deliver the Professional Electives by Industry Experts.