Getting involved in a career that enhances your skills and gives you good income is a blessing in disguise. And, that's what engineering in Computer Science in Engineering is all about. When we talk about best engineering college for placement in Telangana, SREC is the name that first of all comes in mind. The reputable college has been producing gems for the society ever since its establishment. With hard core training in undergraduate and postgraduate computer science training programs, SREC is leaves no stone unturned for creating seasoned engineers.
Since the past few years, importance of Computer Science Engineering has a stimulated manifold. The popular branch teaches you about software development, reasoning skills, and data analyzation and fundamentals of computer science. We provide a detailed structure about the course during 4 year undergraduate degree program. Our theoretical and practical sessions combined together help students to excel in studies and unbeatable job opportunities.
Introduction to networking, testing, programming language and software development can make you an important part of IT industry. The first semester deals about general post work whereas the second semester gives an insight of computer science in form of different subjects.
Students from SREC love to deal with different programming languages and decipher code. Computer Science as a career particularly needs analytical power in order to troubleshoot systems. We as a team work together work upon your creative skills so that you develop the required amount of innovation by the end of coursework. We help you to become eligible for maximum job opportunities in the town through our exceptional curriculum and training.
SREC initiates industrial training and project work report so that students receive hands on experience apart from theoretical and practical knowledge. You need to have 10 + 2 degree in science stream for pursuing computer science engineering from SREC. We have been the best Engineering College for computer science in the town because of seamless job opportunities and 100% placement records. CS engineering? Choose SREC today

Be a leader in promoting Computer Science and Engineering education.

Build Computer Science and Engineering Knowledge in students by implementing novel educational experiences.
Develop effective instructional infrastructure resources.
Promote interdisciplinary learning
Contribute to community development activities.
Department News
07-01-2019 to 11-01-2019
21-01-2019 to 25-01-2019
21-01-2019 to 27-01-2019
04-02-2019 to 08-02-2019
A One Week Program on "Android App development using MIT App Inventory"
21jan to 25jan 2019
21jan to 25jan 2019
04feb to 08feb 2019