Graduate with a pathway into select SREC degrees
Top 1% of Colleges State wide*
Be supported by dedicated teaching staff
Eligibility for Admissions
Admission to the above programme shall be made subject to eligibility, qualification and specialization as prescribed by the University from time to time.
Admissions shall be made on the basis of merit/rank obtained by the candidates at the qualifying Entrance Test conducted by the University or on the basis of any other order of merit as approved by the University, subject to reservations as laid down by the Govt. from time to time.
Award Of M-Tech Degree
A student shall be declared eligible for the award of the M. Tech. Degree, if he pursues a course of study in not less than two and not more than four academic years. However, he is permitted to write the examinations for two more years after four academic years of course work, failing which he shall forfeit his seat in M. Tech. programme.
The student shall register for all 88 credits and secure all the 88 credits.
The minimum instruction days in each semester are 90.
Course Of Study
The following specializations are offered at present for the M. Tech. programme of study.
- Power Electronics
- Advanced Manufacturing Systems
- Electronics Design Technology
- Embedded Systems
- Software Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
Departments offering M. Tech. Programmes with specializations are noted below:
EEE | Power Electronics |
ME | Advanced Manufacturing Systems |
ECE | Embedded Systems Electronics Design Technology |
CSE | Computer Science and Engineering Software Engineering |
Course Registration
A "Faculty Advisor or Counselor" shall be assigned to each student, who will advise him on the Post Graduate Programme (PGP), its Course Structure and Curriculum, Choice/Option for Subjects/ Courses, based on his competence, progress, pre-requisites and interest.
Academic Section of the College invites „Registration Forms‟ from students with in 15 days from the commencement of classwork through „ON-LINE SUBMISSIONS‟, ensuring „DATE and TIME Stamping‟. The ON-LINE Registration Requests for any „CURRENT SEMESTER‟ shall be completed BEFORE the commencement of SEEs (Semester End Examinations) of the „PRECEDING SEMESTER‟.
A Student can apply for ON-LINE Registration, ONLY AFTER obtaining the „WRITTEN APPROVAL‟ from his Faculty Advisor, which should be submitted to the College Academic Section through the Head of Department (a copy of it being retained with Head of Department, Faculty Advisor and the Student).
If the Student submits ambiguous choices or multiple options or erroneous entries - during ON-LINE Registration for the Subject(s) / Course(s) under a given/ specified Course Group/ Category as listed in the Course Structure, only the first mentioned Subject/ Course in that Category will be taken into consideration.
Subject/ Course Options exercised through ON-LINE Registration are final and CANNOT be changed, nor can they be inter-changed; further, alternate choices will also not be considered. However, if the Subject/ Course that has already been listed for Registration (by the Head of Department) in a Semester could not be offered due to any unforeseen or unexpected reasons, then the Student shall be allowed to have alternate choice -either for a new Subject (subject to offering of such a Subject), or for another existing Subject (subject to availability of seats), which may be considered. Such alternate arrangements will be made by the Head of Department, with due notification and timeframed schedule, within the FIRST WEEK from the commencement of Class-work for that Semester.

SR Engineering College
AnanthaSagar (V), Hasanparthy (M),
Warangal, Telangana - 506371

+ 91 987654321
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