S.No. | Name of the Course | Topic for which Activity is Conducted | Type of the Activity | Google link |
1 | Web Techonogies | Servlet DataBase-Ecllipse& Tomcat | Video Lecture | https://forms.gle/dmU23QFwLuWc65XL9 |
2 | Computer System and Architure | Kmaps | Brainstorming | https://forms.gle/T1G3viQHF6cXkCqj8 |
3 | C Programming | Course Projects | Project-Based Learning | https://forms.gle/gCuoG5gcnu22e5AY7 |
4 | Compiler Design | Topdown Parsing | Jigsaw | https://forms.gle/jTnguMqBXT4YjuK47 |
5 | Introduction to Computer | Van Neumann Architecture,Number System | Video Lecture | https://forms.gle/w5rJWXRq6iCMFyn28 |
6 | Machine learning | Object Oritened Programing | Inquiry-Based Learning | https://forms.gle/Fw8hUVJoUTUVWCrd8 |
7 | Data Science | ANN, CNN | Think allowed pair | https://forms.gle/NxrkTUoYCP2orkdT9 |