IIEECP certified faculty - 2020-21

S.NoName of the facultyDesignationDepartment
1B Girirajan Asst. ProfessorECE
2Basetti VedikAsst. ProfessorEEE
3BOINI. RAVINDARAsst. ProfessorH&Sc
5Dr. C. BALARAMA KRISHNA Asst. ProfessorH&Sc
6Dr. G. Ravi KiranAsst. ProfessorH&Sc
7Dr. Shailaja SangaraboinaAsst. ProfessorBM
8Dr.L.M.I.Leo JosephAsst. ProfessorECE
9Dr.M.Rajya laxmiAsst. ProfessorBM
10Dr.Rajender BoiniAssoc.ProfessorH&Sc
11Kanegonda Ravi ChythanyaAsst. ProfessorCSE
12Md Mujahid IrfanAsst. ProfessorEEE
15Sallauddin MohmmadAsst. ProfessorCSE
17Shekar yedunuri Asst. ProfessorECE

I Phase workshop of IIEECP in SR Engineering College

The following 30 faculty members of SR Engineering College and SRITW participated in I Phase workshop of IIEECP at SR Engineering College from 25th to 27th September 2019. They have undergone II phase of the program upto February 2020 and undergoing III phase of the program.

Sl. No. Name of the faculty Designation Department
1 Dr. R.Gobinath Professor & HOD Civil
2 Dr. Shyamala Assoc.Prof. Civil
3 Dr. Murthi Assoc.Prof. Civil
4 M.Gopi Krishna Asst. Prof. Civil
5 Dr. A. S. H. Mohd Abbas Assoc. Prof. Civil
6 Dr B Vedik Asst. Prof. EEE
7 Dr B Rajender Assoc. Prof. EEE
8 Dr V Haripriya Asst. Prof. EEE
9 M M Irfan Asst. Prof. EEE
10 Dr.V.Malathy Assoc.Prof. ECE
11 Y.Sekhar Asst. Prof. ECE
12 Leo Joseph Asst. Prof. ECE
13 B.Girirajan Asst. Prof. ECE
14 A.Chakradhar Asst. Prof. ECE
15 Y .Nagendar Asst. Prof. CSE
16 K.Ravi Chythanya Asst. Prof. CSE
17 Md. Sallauddin Asst. Prof. CSE
18 S.Tharun Reddy Asst. Prof. CSE
19 B.Ravinder Asst. Prof. H & Sc
20 C.Balarama Krishna Asst. Prof. H & Sc
21 Dr.S.Shailaja Asst. Prof. H & Sc
22 G.Ravi Kiran Asst. Prof. H & Sc
23 Dr.E.Purushotham Asst. Prof. H & Sc
24 M.Rajyalaxmi Asst. Prof. MBA
25 B.Deepika Asst. Prof. MBA
26 M. Ranjith Kumar Asst. Prof. CSE (SRITW)
27 K.Ranganath Asst. Prof. CSE (SRITW)
28 K.Ravikiran Asst. Prof. ECE (SRITW)
29 K.Srinivas Asst. Prof. ECE (SRITW)
30 M.S.Teja Asst. Prof. EEE (SRITW)

I Phase workshop of IIEECP in SR Engineering College

The following 28 faculty members of SR Engineering College and SRITW participated in I Phase workshop of IIEECP at SR Engineering College from 05/03/2018 to 07/03/2018. They have undergone II phase of the program upto February 2019 and undergoing III phase of the program.

S.No. Name Department
1 Mr. K. Raj Kumar ECE Dept.
2 Dr. J. Ravi Chander ECE Dept.
3 Mrs. Ch. Sridevi ECE Dept.
4 Ms. B.Saritha ECE Dept.
5 Mr. A. Rajamallaiah EEE Dept.
6 Ms. Supriya EEE Dept.
7 Mrs. M. Shasikala CSE Dept.
8 Mr. Ramesh CSE Dept.
9 Mrs. J.Bhavana CSE Dept.
10 Mrs. Patil CSE Dept.
11 Mr. P. Satish Kumar Mech. Dept.
12 Mr. Ch.Vinay Kumar Mech. Dept.
13 A. Srinivas Civil Dept.
14 Mr. Ramesh BM Dept.
15 Dr. Swamy Reddy H & Sc Dept.
16 Dr. Raja Sekhar H & Sc Dept.
17 Dr. Praveena H & Sc Dept.
18 Mr. Sunil Kumar H & Sc Dept.


S.No. Name Designation
1 Dr. I. Rajasri Reddy Principal, SRITW
2 G. Ranadheer Reddy Asst.Prof, HOD, CSE
3 Vasam Srinivas Asst.Prof., CSE
4 R. Shashikumar Reddy Asst.Prof, HOD, EEE
5 P. Viajaya Laxmi Asst.Prof, HOD, H & Sc.
6 N. Shyamsundar Asst.Prof, HOD, ECE
7 N. Govardhan Asst.Prof, ECE
8 Ch. Padmaja Asst.Prof, ECE
9 E. Kumaraswamy Asst.Prof, ECE
10 A. Rajesh Asst.Prof, H & Sc.

IIEECP certificates in SR Engineering College

III phase presentations of the following 11 faculty members were conducted in SR Engineering College on 8/3/18 and they obtained IIEECP certificates.

S.No. Name Department
1 Mr. M. Sampath Reddy ECE Dept.
2 Mr. D. Rajababu EEE Dept.
3 Mrs. B. Sathyavani EEE Dept.
4 Dr. J. Tarun Kumar ECE Dept.
5 Dr. V. Radhika Reddy H & Sc Dept.
6 Dr. P. Sammaiah Mech Dept. .
7 Dr. A. Devaraju Mech Dept.
8 Dr. Pritam Singh Bakariya ECE Dept.
9 Ms. M. Sravanthi Civil Dept.
10 Mr. S. Naresh Kumar CSE Dept.
11 Mr. P. Nagabharam CSE Dept.

IIEECP certificates in SR Engineering College

The following list of faculty members obtained IIEECP certificate by giving presentations in Phase III program of the course held in SR Engineering College on 6/08/2017. Dr. Krishna Vedula, Executive Director, IUCEE co-ordinate the activities.

S.No. Name Designation Department
1 Praveena Devi Asst. Prof. Mech. Dept.
2 Pankaj Kumar Asst. Prof. Mech. Dept.
3 Subba Rao Assoc.. Prof. ECE Dept.
4 Srinivas Darmula Asst. Prof. BM Dept.
5 Sruthi Vennamaneni Asst. Prof. Civil Engg. Dept.
6 Vijay Kumar Asst. Prof. CSE Dept.
7 Archana Reddy Prof. H & Sc. Dept.
8 Harshavardhan Awari Asst. Prof. CSE Dept.
9 T. Anushalini Asst. Prof. EEE Dept.
10 Anuradha P Asst. Prof. ECE Dept.
11 Subrahmanyam K.B.V.S.R Assoc. Prof. EEE Dept.
12 Devender Kokkarakonda Asst. Prof. H & Sc Dept.
13 Shankaranand Jha Asst. Prof. ECE Dept.
14 Satish Kumar Bathini Assoc. Prof. Mech. Dept.
15 Raghava Kumari Asst. Prof. ECE Dept., SRITW
16 Renuka G Asst. Prof. ECE Dept.
17 Thahera Tabassum Asst. Prof. ECE Dept., SRITW

I Phase workshop of IIEECP in SR Engineering College

Two faculty members from SRITW and one more faculty from SR Engineering participate in IIEECP phase I workshop in Sphoorthy Engineering College, Hyderabad from 28/11/2016 to 31/11/2016.

S.No. Name Designation Department
1 Mr. M. Ramprasad Asst. Prof. ECE. Dept., SRITW.
2 Mr. Shiva Sai Prasad Asst. Prof. CSE. Dept., SRITW
3 Ms K. Sravani Asst. Prof. ECE Dept., SREC

I Phase workshop of IIEECP in SR Engineering College

The first phase of International Engineering Educator Certificate Programme was conducted in SR Engineering from 14/06/2016 to 16/11/2016. Overall 37 faculty members of SR Engineering College and SRITW actively participated in the workshop. Dr. Sivakumar Krishnan, Chief Product Officer, Intellied Informatics was facilitator for the programme. He discussed about the role of teacher, Course Learning Outcomes, Exam Level Outcomes, Session Plan, Active Learning Methods and Project-Based Learning (PBL) and Outcomes, Assessment. All the sessions are interactive. Deans and HODs of various Departments actively participated in the program.

S.No. Name Designation Department
1 Mr. KBVSR Subrahmanyam Assoc. Prof. EEE Dept.
2 Mr. D. Raja Babu Assoc. Prof. EEE Dept.
3 Mr. A.V.V. Sudhakar Assoc. Prof. EEE Dept.
4 Mrs. B. Satyavani Asst. Prof. EEE Dept.
5 Mrs. T. Anushalini Asst. Prof. EEE Dept.
6 Mr. S. Parminder Singh Asst. Prof. BM Engg. Dept.
7 Mr. B. Satish Kumar Assoc. Prof. Mech. Dept.
8 Dr. P. Sammaiah Prof Mech Dept.
9 Dr. A. Devaraju, Asst. Prof. Mech. Dept.
10 Dr. Pankaj Kumar Asst. Prof. Mech. Dept.
11 Mrs. N. Praveena Devi Asst. Prof. Mech. Dept.
12 Mr. V. Devendar Asst. Prof. Mech. Dept.
13 Dr. R. Vijaya Prakash Assoc. Prof. CSE. Dept.
14 Mr. V. Thirupathi Asst. Prof. CSE. Dept.
15 Mr. N. Vijay Kumar Asst. Prof. CSE. Dept.
16 Mr. A. Harsha vardhan Asst. Prof. CSE. Dept.
17 Mr. P. Kumara Swamy Asst. Prof. CSE. Dept.
18 Mr. P. Praveen Asst. Prof. CSE. Dept.
19 Mr. M. Sampath Reddy Assoc. Prof. ECE Dept
20 Dr. J. Tarun Kumar Assoc. Prof. ECE Dept
21 Dr. A. Subba Rao Assoc. Prof. ECE Dept
22 Dr. Shankaranand Jha Asst. Prof. ECE Dept.
23 Ms. P. Anuradha Asst. Prof. ECE Dept
24 Ms. G. Renuka Asst. Prof. ECE Dept
25 Dr. Preetham Singh Asst. Prof. ECE Dept
26 Ms. A. Ramya Asst. Prof. CIVIL Engg. Dept
27 Ms. M. Sravanthi Asst. Prof. CIVIL Engg. Dept
28 Ms. V. Sruthi Asst. Prof. CIVIL Engg. Dept
29 Dr. P. Venkata Ramana Rao Prof. H & Sc Dept.
30 Dr. R. Archana Reddy Prof. H & Sc. Dept.
31 Dr.V. Radhika Reddy Assoc. Prof. H & Sc Dept.
32 Mr. K. Devender Assoc. Prof. H & Sc Engg. Dept.
33 Mr. N. Ch. A. Sreekiran Asst. Prof. H & Sc Dept Mr. D
34 Srinivas Asst. Prof. BM Engg. Dept.
35 Ms. Thahera Tabassum Asst. Prof. ECE. Dept.
36 Mrs.D. Raghva Kumari Asst. Prof. ECE. Dept.
37 Dr. A. Vinay Chandra Assoc. Prof. CSE. Dept.

I Phase workshop of IIEECP in SR Engineering College

The following faculty members completed the 1st phase of International Engineering Educator Certificate Programme at MLRIT, Hyderabad from 08/06/2016 to 10/06/2016 and they are undergoing IInd phase online.

S.No. Name Designation Department
1 Mr. P.Nagabramham Assistant Prof. Mech Dept.
2 Mr. A.Pradeep Kumar Assistant Prof. ECE Dept.
3 Mr. S.Naresh Kumar Assistant Prof. CSE Dept.
4 Mr. T.Sampath Kumar Assistant Prof. CSE Dept.

IIEECP Certificates in SR Engineering College

The following faculty members completed the IInd International Engineering Educator Certificate Programme online from 12/09/2015 to 26/05/2016. Later they have completed Phases II and III of the program and obtained certificates.

S.No. Name Designation Department
1 Mr. J. Manoj Kumar Assistant Prof. Mech Dept.
2 Mr. A. Rajeswara Rao Assistant Prof. ECE Dept.
3 Mr. Ch. Rajendra Prasad Assistant Prof. ECE Dept.

IIEECP Certificate in SR Engineering College

Ms.P.Sowmya completed 3 phases of First International Engineering Educator’s Certificate Programme from 19/01/2015 to 14/06/2015 obtained International Engineering Educator’s Certificate on 14/06/2015

I Phase workshop of IIEECP in SR Engineering College

The following two faculty members completed the Ist Phase of First International Engineering Educator’s Certificate Programme which was conducted from 19/01/2015 to 12/01/2015 at BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore.

S.No. Name Designation Department
1 Dr.Mohammed Kadampur Ali Prof CSE Dept
2 Mr.J.Ramesh Assistant Prof. CSE Dept
3 Mr.M.Ramesh Assistant Prof. EEE Dept.

SR Engineering College

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