Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. – Mark Twain
SREC’s Entrepreneurship Centre, NEST was created to teach, coach and inspire students to be entrepreneurial in their lives. The Center provides students the tools and experiences necessary to creatively pursue new opportunities and innovations in the start-up, social, and corporate venture arenas.
NEST provides a platform for aspiring and innovative startups to make their dreams happen. NEST supports students and faculty in their entrepreneurial pursuits through a range of activities and services. Through courses, programs and complementary activities such as speakers, contests and workshops, the Center currently serves more than 1,000 students per year.

NEST is an alliance of student-led organizations that support venture incubation at SREC. There are currently Twelve incubating companies with many more being designed and developed within colleges across campus. These student-led organizations work side-by-side with student, alumni, and faculty ventures, designing solutions to the real challenges that entrepreneurs face when starting companies.
What you have:
A great idea that solves a problem and is commercially viable
What we provide:
Infrastructure (physical space, computers, Internet access, etc.)
Mentoring support on technology & business
Business strategy and go-to-market strategies
Intellectual property (IP) & Legal advisory services
Seed funding support for startups
Match-making with venture capitalists/angel investors
What we do:
Create awareness on Entrepreneurship by conducting EDP’s (Entrepreneurship Development Programs) and FDP’s
Motivate students to take part in Entrepreneurship by organizing series of interdependent activities
Design contemporary curriculum on Entrepreneurship and educate special interest group of students to realize their dreams of Startup
Prepare students innovators to participate in National & International context in the area of Innovation, Creativity & Entrepreneurship